Programmatic usage

You can use repo-review from other Python code, as well, such as with cog. Also see WebApp.


The core of repo-review is the repo_review.processor.process() function. Use it like this:

root = Path(".")
processed = repo_review.processor.process(root, select=set(), ignore=set(), subdir=".")

The root parameter can be any Traversable. The keyword arguments are optional (defaults are shown). This returns a NamedTuple, ProcessReturn. .families is a dict mapping family names to Family and .results is a list of Results. If you want, you can turn the results list into a simple list of dicts with as_simple_dict().

Getting the family name

A common requirement is getting the “nice” family name given the short name. There’s a tiny helper for this, repo_review.families.get_family_name():

family_name = get_family_name(families, family)

Added in version 0.8.

Listing all possible checks

You can also get a list of checks:

collected = repo_review.processor.collect_all()

This returns a CollectionReturn. You can access the .checks, .families, and .fixtures, all are dicts.

Added in version 0.8.

Getting the check properties

A common requirement is getting the url from the Check. While a Result already has the URL fully rendered, checks do not; they are directly returned by plugins. There’s a tiny helper for this, repo_review.checks.get_check_url():

url = get_check_url(name, check)

Added in version 0.8.

You can also use a helper to get __doc__ with the correct substitution, as well:

doc = get_check_description(name, check)

Added in version 0.8.

Example: cog

Here’s an example of using this to fill out a README with cog, formatting all possible checks in markdown:

<!-- [[[cog
import itertools

from repo_review.processor import collect_all
from repo_review.checks import get_check_url, get_check_description
from repo_review.families import get_family_name

collected = collect_all()
for family, grp in itertools.groupby(collected.checks.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].family):
    print(f'### {get_family_name(collected.families, family)}')
    for code, check in grp:
        url = get_check_url(code, check)
        link = f"[`{code}`]({url})" if url else f"`{code}`"
        print(f"- {link}: {get_check_description(code, check)}")
]]] -->
<!-- [[[end]]] -->