Writing a plugin

To write a plugin for repo-review, you should provide one or more Checks. You can also add new Fixtures, and customize Families with sorting and nicer display names. When writing a plugin, you should also do a few things when setting up the package. These suggestions assume you are using a standardized backend, such as hatchling, flit-core, pdm-backend, or setuptools>=61. If you are using some other build backend, please adjust accordingly. Notably, Poetry calls project.entry-pointstool.poetry.plugins”.

Entry points

You need to specify entry points as listed in the fixtures/checks/families pages in order for repo-review to use your plugin. In summary, they look like this:

"repo_review.fixtures".fixture_name = "my_plugin_package.my_fixture_module:fixture_name"
"repo_review.checks".anything = "my_plugin_package.my_checks_module:repo_review_checks"
"repo_review.families".anything = "my_plugin_package.my_family_module:repo_review_families"

Only the fixture entry-point name matters (it’s the name of the fixture); checks and families produce multiple items, so they can be under any name.


If you’d like to test your plugin, add repo-review; python_version>="3.10" to your test dependencies (if your package is only a plugin for repo-review, you don’t need the Python limit there). Then add some valid and/or invalid examples to your test suite (you can write them out during testing, as well, which is what is shown below). Then a test looks like this:

from pathlib import Path

import pytest

repo_review_processor = pytest.importorskip("repo_review.processor")

def test_has_tool_ruff(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
    # In this example, tool.ruff is required to be present by this plugin
    d = tmp_path / "some_package"
    d.joinpath("pyproject.toml").write_text("[tool.ruff]", encoding="utf-8")
    processed = repo_review_processor.process(d)
    assert all(r.result for r in processed.results), f"{processed.results}"

You have processed.results and processed.families from the return of process() to work with. You can also run collect_all() to get .fixtures, .checks, and .families.

Unit testing

You can also run unit tests with the compute_check() helper. It is used like this:

def test_has_tool_ruff_unit() -> None:
    assert repo_review.testing.compute_check("RF001", ruff={}).result
    assert not repo_review.testing.compute_check("RF001", ruff=None).result

It takes the check name and any fixtures as keyword arguments. It returns a Check instance, so you can see if the .result is True/False/None, or check any of the other properties.

.. versionadded:: 0.10.5

An existing package

Since writing a plugin does not require depending on repo-review, you can also integrate your plugins into existing packages. If that’s the case, you only need to add your entry-points (see the links above), and tests.

A plugin-only package

If you are writing a package that is only a plugin for repo-review, there are several things you can do if you’d like a user to be able to run the package directly. sp-repo-review does these things to make it easy to run as a complete package. This design is mostly useful if you are providing a complete set of checks for an ecosystem.

Avoiding CLI requirements on WebAssembly usage

Repo-review uses repo-review[cli] to keep CLI requirements from being included in the base package, and plugins can follow this if they want to be used directly:

cli = [

Custom entry-point (optional)

If you want to provide your own CLI name, you can add this to your pyproject.toml:

my_plugin_cli_name = "repo_review.__main__:main"

However, there is no benefit over just running repo-review, so this is not really recommended.

Pre-commit support

You can add a .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file with contents similar to this to natively support pre-commit:

id: repo-review
name: repo-review
description: Check for configuration best practices
entry: repo-review
language: python
types_or: [text]
minimum_pre_commit_version: 2.9.0

You can also narrow down the files / types_or if your plugin only supports a subset of files (which most should).

GitHub Actions support

You can add an action.yml file similar to this to natively support GitHub Actions & dependabot:

name: repo-review
description: "Runs repo-review"
    description: "Path to Python package, if different from repo root"
    required: false
    default: ""

  using: composite
    - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
      id: python
        python-version: "3.11"
        update-environment: false

    - name: Run repo-review
      shell: bash
      run: >
        pipx run
        --python '${{ steps.python.outputs.python-path }}'
        --spec '${{ github.action_path }}[cli]'
        repo-review .
        --format html
        --stderr rich
        --select "${{ inputs.select }}"
        --ignore "${{ inputs.ignore }}"
        --package-dir "${{ inputs.package-dir }}"